Photo gallery of the Annual Warren County ABATE Christmas Party featuring Tom & Kollett Wooley's Charity Auction!

Yes, all of you "Good Boys and Girls" Made this year's party and auction a HUGE success! The proceeds from our annual charity drives benefit the Warrren County area by providing toys and funds for the UNited Way, Lebanon Toys for Tots, Warren County Shop-with-a-cop, and the Warren County Rape and Crisis Shelter. In addition, through our members' generousity, we have also adopted three special needs families in Warren County who will benefit directly from our efforts. Once again, the members of Warren County ABATE of Ohio, Inc. have come through in a BIG way to help support the community and show civic pride. We thank all of you who helped!

(Click on any thumbnail to see a full sized picture)

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(Thanks to Ken Ross and Martin Meister for all the pics!)

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